Itsy bitsy..

Why do some people feel the need to know the tiniest detail of everything?
What possible need can they have for knowing everything about everything?
Seriously, I know I'm a girl and everything, but I've never felt the need to know what someone was wearing, or how they wore it or whatever..
Take for instance a conversation I had with a friend of mine regarding a woman who's new to the area and someone who shall become (in)famous in the community, simply because of who she's married to..
Friend: What does she look like?
Me: A woman
Friend: Yeah, I know, but what was she wearing? Did she look old? Who did she look like?
Me: I just gave salaam to her, I didn't pay attention to what she was wearing!
Friend: Yes, but surely you can explain what she looked like?
Me: How'd you mean?
Friend: Skinny, chubby? etc etc?
At which point I sigh and give up.
I mean what's the point in me describing someone who she'll be acquainted with at some point in the future anyway? I mean what's the benefit? Nothing will have been gained from knowing the small, minute details.
Yeah, I talk too much fair enough. Though I don't feel the need to actually go into details about who was where, wearing what, doing what, with God knows who.
Such talk usually gives rise to backbiting which gives rise to rumours...Spreading like wildfire..

Prophet Muhammad said :"Do you know what backbiting is?" They said, "God and His Messenger know best." He then said, "It is to say something about your brother that he would dislike." Someone asked him, "But what if what I say is true?" The Messenger of God said, "If what you say about him is true, you are backbiting him, but if it is not true then you have slandered him." (Muslim)
So...message for self: Avoid backbiting like the plague. But what about friends who constantly backbite? What do I do then? I've become really anti-social..because usually the topic of conversation will usually lead to what someone else is upto or whatnot.. So I dunno..

New layout

Got bored with the old one, so decided to go for a new look.
Am currently playing around with the colours used on the original template and am trying to change 'em.
Well, I didn't go through too much complication this time and am gonna try and add some random links and what not at some point in the future. Maybe.
Revision- haven't got too far. Though, I have made a timetable and have also made a syllabus/checklist thingy for each module. So, I'd say that I'm on my way! Kinda.
Poster- Well, I've made a general template and am making random diagrams for the experimental procedure and all. Other than that.. I guess I just need to put them all together...2 weeks left. Rah.
Other than that, I've gone food crazy and exercise crazy too. Just need to join a gym and I'll be sorted. Sometime in the future.
I really, really need to start studying.


I don't know if I've just gone and complicated my life.
In hindsight, I'm left wondering if there was an easier way.
Well, basically I wanted to change the layout of my blog and all, but for the life of me couldn't figure out the best way to do what I wanted to do.
I'd been searching for all these random blogs and stuff and could not figure out how to upload them, without them appaearing all mumbo jumbo and all.
Anyway, thing is I wondered if it had anything to do with the fact that I had started my blog way back in '05 and wondered if that was the reason I couldn't upload stuff.
So, I went and created a new blog with the randommest name, exported the original blog to the computer, imported the file to the new blog (before doing so, I'd already changed the setting to one that looked better than the preset templates..Then I deleted the old blog, changed the name of the new blog and Hey presto! Here's my new look blog!
Ummm...was that a silly thing to do?
Anyway, ideally I should be focusing on my poster and try and actually do SOMETHING.
However, I have got as far as ensuring that my background for the poster is pink and cream.
Awesome combination or what?!
Now, time for some randomly random posts when I shall feel inclined to do so.