
Okaly dokaly... I should currently be getting on with some work..well actually I've completed what I can do..but the rest I can't do because I don't have minitab software...:S..oh well... it would seem that I haven't typed anything here in a looooooooooooong time...:...and from my previous post I can see that I made no sense whatsoever..:S..typical me I guess...
Right...I'm no good with all this I'll probably forget to write anything for the next few days..tehehehe...
well...I'm feeling a bit can't really blame me, bunged up with a cold..felt rotten when I woke up..but still went to uni coz we were being assessed least I got marked 20% of the microbiology modules sorted..easy peasy...
Have developed a taste for reading books by Anthony Horowitz lately...he writes the best should read the Alex Rider series...THEY ROCK!! (",)
It's really weird..because I used to be a right bookworm in school...but now I don't seem to have the time..and when I do..I seem to be really picky...:S...but oh win some you lose some..
Right I am now signing off...over and out...

luv that doesn't seem to be moving here thought...oh well