Yay. Kind of.

I completed my dissertation the day before it was due, printed and bound it.
Went home, read it AND shock! I had a fair few mistakes.
So, I quickly edited the problem pages and the PhD student finally got back to me about the data I wanted to include in my appendix, so it turned out I had an appendix after all! (Not that y'all know whether or not I had one to begin with.)
So, the hand-in day, 45 minutes before my lesson but approximately 3 hours(ish) before the hand in I was printing, unbinding and re-binding.
11.30 (or thereabouts): Handed in the write up. No feelings at this point.
12:45 (ish): I see some friends who are still printing and binding their work! What the hell were they thinking?!!
1:40ish: One friend's still binding the work, meanwhile, we're all panicking for her.
'Don't worry, I still have 20 minutes!'
1:55: She's handed it in..'With 5 minutes to spare'
At which point I breathe a sigh of relief!
What on earth does that say about me? I'm more worried about my friend's handing the work in than my own!
Anyway, it feels a relief to have finished it. Though I'm disappointed in myself as i didn't work to the best of my ability. Rah.
Now there's the dreaded poster to deal with.


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