
I had forgotten about this blog. When I remembered I realised I had forgotten the password. Thereafter, I forgot which email address I had used..So then did the whole reset and Voila!
Back from the hiatus..
I really don't know what I should be writing about. Putting up random images of the things I bake is time consuming. But I also need to buy a new camera.
Anyway, I want a change in my career. I want to stay in the same sort of field, but I don't want to have to work 24/7 though, but options seem very limited. 
So maybe I could update with potential different careers..
Or maybe try to write something that makes sense.

Ya man...

Right, haven't been on this site for ages. Been busy.

I've started working, after Ramadhan though coz they took so long to get back to me. Interview was in July!

Anyway, have been mad busy in general.

So, adios.
No words of wisdom today.

What to do...

To work or not to work. That is the question, without a question mark of course.
Final exams were over ages ago, yet here I am, having accomplished nothing in the past few weeks.

Unless of course you count my obsession with randomly baking cakes and cookies and experimenting with new types of foods and shopping. Sigh.

Nope, I haven't done much. Though the cakes and cookies did taste absolutely yummo, even if I do say so myself. ^_^.

Anyway. My current problem is that I have no idea how I have done in my exams. To be entirely truthful, I didn't try my best, which is a great dissapointment, as I had all the facilities available to me to be able to do well.
Circumstances dictated otherwise.

I am currently trying to figure out what to do with myself. It's too late to apply for postgraduate studies. I don't even know if I want to study further.
Yet.... I don't want to start working yet. I want to DO something, get out there, explore the world! Step by step. (Or from one aeroplane to another)
But, where to go? I'm not a structured person, where I plan out journeys ahead or anything, I rather think I'm spontaneous. (I think.)

Though, my primary aim would be to visit the Middle Eastern countries and check out the museums. (No, I'm not a geek, I just happen to like historical... stuff.)
Enough rambling from myself, I'm off.

Pen to paper...

Right, exams are over.
I have no idea what to do now. I don't want to go straight into a job, but then again, I don't think I actually want to further my studies, simply because, the more I study, the more I'll be specialised in one area, which will narrow my horizons down and I just don't want to stick to one thing.
It's just so weird, that at one point, I was a high achiever and really used to push myself. I used to be really disappointed if I achieved less than 80 % in anything.
Now, I'm happy if I get the bare minimum. I guess that's not the correct attitude to anything.
I just don't know what I want to do any more. Guess I'll have to keep myself really occupied and figure out what it is that I really really want to do with my life.
Anyway, insha'allah I'll try and actually put up posts that were fundamentally supposed to be the purpose of the blog.
Well, I seem to have limitless opportunity now. I just need to be bothered..

Itsy bitsy..

Why do some people feel the need to know the tiniest detail of everything?
What possible need can they have for knowing everything about everything?
Seriously, I know I'm a girl and everything, but I've never felt the need to know what someone was wearing, or how they wore it or whatever..
Take for instance a conversation I had with a friend of mine regarding a woman who's new to the area and someone who shall become (in)famous in the community, simply because of who she's married to..
Friend: What does she look like?
Me: A woman
Friend: Yeah, I know, but what was she wearing? Did she look old? Who did she look like?
Me: I just gave salaam to her, I didn't pay attention to what she was wearing!
Friend: Yes, but surely you can explain what she looked like?
Me: How'd you mean?
Friend: Skinny, chubby? etc etc?
At which point I sigh and give up.
I mean what's the point in me describing someone who she'll be acquainted with at some point in the future anyway? I mean what's the benefit? Nothing will have been gained from knowing the small, minute details.
Yeah, I talk too much fair enough. Though I don't feel the need to actually go into details about who was where, wearing what, doing what, with God knows who.
Such talk usually gives rise to backbiting which gives rise to rumours...Spreading like wildfire..

Prophet Muhammad said :"Do you know what backbiting is?" They said, "God and His Messenger know best." He then said, "It is to say something about your brother that he would dislike." Someone asked him, "But what if what I say is true?" The Messenger of God said, "If what you say about him is true, you are backbiting him, but if it is not true then you have slandered him." (Muslim)
So...message for self: Avoid backbiting like the plague. But what about friends who constantly backbite? What do I do then? I've become really anti-social..because usually the topic of conversation will usually lead to what someone else is upto or whatnot.. So I dunno..