Pen to paper...

Right, exams are over.
I have no idea what to do now. I don't want to go straight into a job, but then again, I don't think I actually want to further my studies, simply because, the more I study, the more I'll be specialised in one area, which will narrow my horizons down and I just don't want to stick to one thing.
It's just so weird, that at one point, I was a high achiever and really used to push myself. I used to be really disappointed if I achieved less than 80 % in anything.
Now, I'm happy if I get the bare minimum. I guess that's not the correct attitude to anything.
I just don't know what I want to do any more. Guess I'll have to keep myself really occupied and figure out what it is that I really really want to do with my life.
Anyway, insha'allah I'll try and actually put up posts that were fundamentally supposed to be the purpose of the blog.
Well, I seem to have limitless opportunity now. I just need to be bothered..